Accredited MBA Fair – это уникальная возможность лично ознакомиться с программами MBA ведущих бизнес-школ мира. Представители Association of MBAs дадут вам беспристрастную консультацию и советы относительно обучению MBA, вступительных экзаменов, образовательных кредитов и GMAT.
На ярмарке будут представлены только аккредитованные программы, удовлетворяющие строгим критериям оценки абитуриентов и работодателей. Not only is it a great opportunity to see a selection of highly prestigious and accredited business schools in one place, but it also offers you tasters of what MBA courses are like, information on how to apply for an MBA loan scheme and advice on the admission process. Representatives from the Association of MBAs are always in attendance at our fairs, offering impartial advice and guidance about studying for an MBA, the admissions process, financing an MBA and taking the GMAT. Each business school exhibiting at the Accredited MBA fairs offers MBA programmes which are accredited by the Association of MBAs. Accreditation is only awarded after satisfaction of rigorous assessment criteria, which makes accredited MBA programmes more attractive both to high-calibre prospective students and to corporate recruiters. For more information: +44(0) 20 7246 2694