Антитеррористическая защита объектов: противодействие ...Дистанционно
руб. 37,700.00
за 180 ак. часов 2.5 месяца
This course is designed to help non-native speakers of English increase the quantity and quality of vocabulary from a variety of contexts at an advanced level. Lexical expansion will be offered through systematic and imaginative strategies. Students will learn techniques for understanding vocabulary from context, collocations, multiple meanings, and others. Much emphasis will be placed on idiomatic expressions that reflect contemporary North American language. The presentation of the vocabulary will be done in realistic contexts in order to allow students to perceive nuances between idioms. Students will be encouraged to apply the lexicon to their own lives, making vocabulary and idioms more relevant and useful.
The program is conducted a total of 18 hours per week.
Prerequisites: ESL Level 6 passing grade
Чикаго, 4728 Oakton, Skokie, IL, 60076
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