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Northeastern"s High Tech MBA учит бизнесу инноваций. Вы можете выйти за пределы статус-кво, научиться выявлять возможности для роста и управлять изменениями в продукции, системах и процессах внутри организации. С High Tech MBA, вы можете раскрыть себя как инновационного лидера и позиционироваться для продвижения.
Описание программы
The High Tech MBA curriculum provides a strong combination of nuts and bolts business subjects blended with a series of courses that are focused on innovation and growth from different perspectives.
Courses are primarily taught using the case study method, drawing from many different market segments. Students are also assigned individual projects which focus on growth inside their own organizations.
Course Schedule
The High Tech MBA schedule is unique in that students attend classes every other week. The schedule provides working professionals with the flexibility they need to meet career and personal demands while earning a rigorous, relevant, fully-accredited MBA.
Classes are held on Tuesday evening from 5:15pm until 9:35pm and Saturday, from 8:00am until 5:30pm.
Students are enrolled in three courses per term. One course meets on Tuesday evening and two courses meet on Saturday.
Classes are held at Northeastern ...
Подробнее о программе
The High Tech MBA curriculum provides a strong combination of nuts and bolts business subjects blended with a series of courses that are focused on innovation and growth from different perspectives.
Courses are primarily taught using the case study method, drawing from many different market segments. Students are also assigned individual projects which focus on growth inside their own organizations.
Course Schedule
The High Tech MBA schedule is unique in that students attend classes every other week. The schedule provides working professionals with the flexibility they need to meet career and personal demands while earning a rigorous, relevant, fully-accredited MBA.
Classes are held on Tuesday evening from 5:15pm until 9:35pm and Saturday, from 8:00am until 5:30pm.
Students are enrolled in three courses per term. One course meets on Tuesday evening and two courses meet on Saturday.
Classes are held at Northeastern University’s Boston campus.
Part-Time MBA состоит из подготовительных курсов MBA и факультативных специализаций. Подготовительные курсы MBA помогут вам создать широкую базу аналитических решений и навыков их принятия. Факультативные концентрации позволяют сосредоточиться на тех областях, которые связаны с вашими конкретными целями карьеры.
Part-Time MBA начинается в сентябре и январе каждого года.
Учебная программа Part-Time MBA подчеркивает решение проблем, таких как:
командная работа
управление проектами
количественный анализ и другое.
Предполагается концентрация на следующих темах:
корпоративные финансы
корпоративное обновления
менеджмент здравоохранения
международный бизнес
управление цепочками поставок и технологического предпринимательства