Антитеррористическая защита объектов: противодействие ...Дистанционно
руб. 3,558,280.00
за 480 ак. часов 10 месяцев
Learn the frameworks for financial decision-making through a robust understanding of the principles and practice of financial management. You study topics including advanced theories in the valuation of investments, management of portfolios and risk management strategies.
On successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
Corporate Finance Understand the corporate investment and financing decisions of different companies through:
Financial Accounting and Analysis
Analyse financial information and judge a firm’s prospects based on performance, patterns in their financial statements, profit drivers, assets and obligations.
Дневная форма обучения: 10 месяцев или 16 месяцев.
Возможна вечерняя форма обучения - 22 месяца.
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