Антитеррористическая защита объектов: противодействие ...Дистанционно
руб. 33,900.00
за 16 ак. часов 2 дня
A course on how to make a good first impression which can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, making those first encounters extremely important, for they set the tone for all the relationships that follows.
Professional speakers and trainers have long asserted that people make up their minds about people they meet for the first time within two minutes. Others assert that these first impressions about people take only thirty seconds to make. As it turns out, both may be underestimates. The decisions may occur much faster - think instantaneously or in two seconds. Whenever we have to make sense of complicated situations or deal with lots of information quickly, we bring to bear all of our beliefs, attitudes, values, experiences, education and more on the situation. Then, we thin-slice the situation to comprehend it quickly. The implications of this concept have astonishing significance for our personal reactions to most situations. In this session we shall learn how to make ...
Professional speakers and trainers have long asserted that people make up their minds about people they meet for the first time within two minutes. Others assert that these first impressions about people take only thirty seconds to make. As it turns out, both may be underestimates. The decisions may occur much faster - think instantaneously or in two seconds. Whenever we have to make sense of complicated situations or deal with lots of information quickly, we bring to bear all of our beliefs, attitudes, values, experiences, education and more on the situation. Then, we thin-slice the situation to comprehend it quickly. The implications of this concept have astonishing significance for our personal reactions to most situations. In this session we shall learn how to make the most effective first impression so that it is a good one.
Note: All our corporate training programs are customized to the clients requirements.
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Санкт-Петербург, Лиговский пр., 73, бизнес-школа ITC Group
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