Антитеррористическая защита объектов: противодействие ...Дистанционно
руб. 49,560.00
за 48 ак. часов 3 месяца
Legal English is designed for students whose English is at the high intermediate to advanced levels. Those who need practice in grammar and basic comprehension should first take courses in Intermediate English.
To assist our staff into placing students in the correct level group, you should download and complete the Legal-English-Self-Assessment form and state the results in your course application.
The course has two sessions per week for two hours each. Through the examination of key business law themes, sessions provide an interactive learning style to enhance students' reading comprehension, speaking skills, and legal vocabulary.
Subjects to be Covered:
Sources of Law, Trial Process, Torts and Crimes, Contract Law, Property, Secured Transactions, Commercial Paper, Businesss Organizations Law
The course book is produced specially for the class, with supplemental material from cases, journals and ...
The course book is produced specially for the class, with supplemental material from cases, journals and legal films and documentaries.
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