Антитеррористическая защита объектов: противодействие ...Дистанционно
руб. 32,240.00
за 40 ак. часов 14 дней
Взнос за участие: € 750 плюс административный сбор в размере € 50
Based on the LINGUA-funded TALLENT project, which was developed by experts in eleven European universities, the course consists of seminars and workshops on a variety of themes. The workshops in particular are designed to enable participants to practise using the applications introduced in the seminars, to reflect on how to integrate technology into their teaching and their students' learning, and to develop short pedagogical projects in area/s of their choice. The course follows a negotiated syllabus, i.e. the syllabus will be finalised following analysis of the needs and interests of the group. Topics could include the pedagogic use of the following in the classroom:
Entry Requirements: This introductory course is suitable for language teachers with basic or limited IT skills, who would like to learn how to include ICT in their teaching. Participants should have an upper-intermediate standard of English (B2 on the Common European Framework). This course includes:
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