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Курсы, программы
/ Иностранные языки
/ Английский / Английский язык для преподавателей Английского языка зарубежом. Overseas Teachers of English/ Methodology & Language Skills
Во всем мире самые уроки на английском преподают учителя, чей родной язык не является английским. Если вы такой учитель, или вы собираетесь стать им, вы можете углубить свое знание предмета и развивать свои навыки преподавания, выбрав один из курсов "Overseas Teachers of English".
Описание программы
Course Aims:
This course is aimed at practicing or recently qualified teachers of English who wish to update their knowledge of contemporary issues in teaching methodology, to encounter new ideas and activities to enhance their classroom teaching, to share experience with teachers from other countries and also to improve their ability to communicate effectively in English.
The course provides a forum for development of your professional skills, from insights into recent developments in English language teaching to practical classroom ideas and activities. It is also designed to develop your knowledge of contemporary English usage and provide you with an opportunity to improve your all-round competence in English.
Course Outline:
In the morning, you will work with an international group of fellow professionals (maximum group size 12), discussing issues in language teaching and looking at materials and activities to give you practical ideas for your ...
Подробнее о программе
Course Aims:
This course is aimed at practicing or recently qualified teachers of English who wish to update their knowledge of contemporary issues in teaching methodology, to encounter new ideas and activities to enhance their classroom teaching, to share experience with teachers from other countries and also to improve their ability to communicate effectively in English.
The course provides a forum for development of your professional skills, from insights into recent developments in English language teaching to practical classroom ideas and activities. It is also designed to develop your knowledge of contemporary English usage and provide you with an opportunity to improve your all-round competence in English.
Course Outline:
In the morning, you will work with an international group of fellow professionals (maximum group size 12), discussing issues in language teaching and looking at materials and activities to give you practical ideas for your classroom. You will also have an opportunity to observe our teachers putting the techniques we discuss into practice.
In the afternoon, you will join an international group to work on your language skills, whether updating and polishing, or clarifying points you still have difficulty with.