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Форма обучения:
Вид мероприятия:
Heiko Pääbo, Liina Tammekänd, Mare Ainsaar, Andrey Belyy, Helen Biin, Jaak Jaagus, Andres Kasekamp, Alar Kilp, Dagmar Kutsar, Epp Moks, Viacheslav Morozov, Tõnu Oja, Loone Ots, Eva Clarita Pettai, Vello Andres Pettai, Andu Rämmer, Anu Realo, Ülle Reier,Ave Roots, Ingrid Rummo, Reda Shmitaite, Delaney Skerrett, Mihkel Solvak, Rein Taagepera, Kairi Talves, Liisa Talving, Viktor Trasberg, Avo Trumm, Igor Tuuling, Urmas Varblane, Ilze Zagorska.
Анонс программы
Эта магистерская программа предоставляет прекрасную возможность получить междисциплинарную степень магистра в вопросах, касающихся стран Балтийского региона. Программа ориентирована на тех студентов, чьи научные интересы или практическая деятельность тесно связаны с Балтийским регионом. В результате окончания учебы, студенты смогут продолжить свою академическую деятельность в докторантуре или начать карьеру в государственных или частных учреждениях.
Описание программы
The Baltic Sea Region Studies MA curriculum provides a comprehensive set of relevant courses with flexibility for students to construct a study plan in accordance with their needs. The nominal study period is 2 years and the programme capacity is 120 ECTS. Current curriculum starts at study year 2013/2014.
All students start with the general module on introductory subjects (24 ECTS) which provides general overview of historical developments in the Baltic Sea Region and introduces its political structures. The module also trains students academic skills necessary to conduct their independent research:
Methodology of Science (6 ECTS)
Methodology of Science II (6 ECTS)
History of the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)
Political Developments in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)
The specialisation module (30 ECTS) aims to offer thorough overview of theoretical approaches to analyse societies and their interaction in the Baltic Sea Region.
Baltic Sea ...
Подробнее о программе
The Baltic Sea Region Studies MA curriculum provides a comprehensive set of relevant courses with flexibility for students to construct a study plan in accordance with their needs. The nominal study period is 2 years and the programme capacity is 120 ECTS. Current curriculum starts at study year 2013/2014.
All students start with the general module on introductory subjects (24 ECTS) which provides general overview of historical developments in the Baltic Sea Region and introduces its political structures. The module also trains students academic skills necessary to conduct their independent research:
Methodology of Science (6 ECTS)
Methodology of Science II (6 ECTS)
History of the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)
Political Developments in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)
The specialisation module (30 ECTS) aims to offer thorough overview of theoretical approaches to analyse societies and their interaction in the Baltic Sea Region.
Baltic Sea Region Economies (6 ECTS)
Nature and Environment in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)
Baltic Sea States in the System of International Relations (6 ECTS)
Regionalism in Europe and post-Soviet Eurasia (6 ECTS)
Social Developments in the Baltic Sea Region Societies (6 ECTS)
The elective module (30 ECTS) provides opportunity to focus on study fields that are the most interesting for student in the Baltic Sea Region. It helps to prepare students for their individual research in the form of MA thesis.
International Energy Relations (6 ECTS)
Socio-political Influences on History of Estonian Culture (6 ECTS)
Religion and Politics (6 ECTS)
The Politics of Memory and History (6 ECTS)
Special Seminar in the Politics of Memory and History (6 ECTS)
Language and Society in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)
Marketing for Public and Third Sector Organizations (6 ECTS)
Theories of Third Sector management (6 ECTS)
Internship (6 ECTS)
Baltic Identities (6 ECTS)
Theories of Foreign Policy (6 ECTS)
Russian Foreign Policy (6 ECTS)
Constructivist Theory and Method (6 ECTS)
Project Management (3 ECTS)
International Marketing (6 ECTS)
Media and Minorities in the Baltic Sea Region (6 ECTS)
Sociology of Gender (6 ECTS)
Cross-Cultural Psychology (3 ECTS)
Academic Writing and Study Skills (3 ECTS)
Narrative Studies (3 ECTS)
The curriculum also includes elective courses from all over the university amounting to a total of 6 ECTS.
The last semester in the programme is allocated to completion of the master’s thesis (30 ECTS).
Количество бюджетных мест - 10. Грант на бесплатное обучение выдается на конкурсной основе. Для получения гранта необходимо предоставить:
документ о законченном среднем образовании;
документ подтверджающий уровень знания английского языка (TOEFL/IELTS (academic)/PTE Academic/Cambridge English: FCE, CAE,CPE)
мотивационное письмо;
онлайн-заявление на обучение.
Для кандидатов, не прощедших конкурс на грант, возможно обучение на платной основе. Стоимость - 1700 евро/семестр или 3400 евро/год ( стоимость в рублях расчитывается согласно курсу РЦБ на день заключения договора)
Прием документов на программу с 4 января 2016 года.
Выдаваемый документ – диплом государственного образца (мастера/бакалавра).