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16.02.2015 - 18.02.2015 16.03.2015 - 18.03.2015 Уточните расписание у организатора. Возможно он не успел обновить расписание.
Форма обучения:
Вид мероприятия:
Тип мероприятия:
Анонс программы
Курс читается на русском языке.
Курс посвящен изучению базовых понятий торговых и складских потоков в Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009. В этом курсе показывается, как осуществляется управление операциями продажи и покупки, управление запасами (включая управление карантином), разноска операций продажи и покупки, назначение и отслеживание серийных номеров и номеров партий, а также управление этими номерами. При изучении курса, слушатели также узнают, как предоставляется разрешение на перепоставку или недопоставку продаж и покупок, назначаются накладные расходы, назначаются ABC-классификации номенклатурам и подготавливается отчет по запасам, продажам и мероприятиям, связанным с покупкой...
Описание программы
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Allow for over/under delivery of goods.
Assign charges.
Set up and manage quarantine management functionality.
Recognize the pick process.
Register serialized and batch inventory.
Reverse and split a pick.
Edit Item dimensions during picking.
Create Vendor returns, Return actions, and Manage Customer returns.
Manually reserve inventory.
Set up automatic and explosion inventory reservation.
Query, cancel, or change a reservation.
Set up, activate, and modify Customer and Vendor trade agreements.
Understand Customer and Vendor Price/Discount groups.
Set up and use Supplementary items.
Work with sales quotations.
Define various sales quotation functions.
Set up transfer orders.
Create a transfer order.
Pick items before transfer between warehouses.
Transfer items between warehouses.
Set up the elements ...
Подробнее о программе
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Allow for over/under delivery of goods.
Assign charges.
Set up and manage quarantine management functionality.
Recognize the pick process.
Register serialized and batch inventory.
Reverse and split a pick.
Edit Item dimensions during picking.
Create Vendor returns, Return actions, and Manage Customer returns.
Manually reserve inventory.
Set up automatic and explosion inventory reservation.
Query, cancel, or change a reservation.
Set up, activate, and modify Customer and Vendor trade agreements.
Understand Customer and Vendor Price/Discount groups.
Set up and use Supplementary items.
Work with sales quotations.
Define various sales quotation functions.
Set up transfer orders.
Create a transfer order.
Pick items before transfer between warehouses.
Transfer items between warehouses.
Set up the elements of a commission agreement.
View commission transactions from a financially updated sales order.
Understand the ABC Inventory Classification System.
Understand how to use the Physical inventory by inventory dimension report.
Understand how to use reports in forecasting sales and purchase expectations.