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This two-day instructor-led course provides students with the necessary tools and resources to perform basic tasks in the warehouse management flow in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2. Курс читается на русском языке.
Описание программы
Module 1: Overview
This module explains describes the basic warehouse management features that are available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. In addition, terminology and concepts of warehouse management are discussed. Module 2: Setting Up Warehouse Management
This module explains how to set up warehouse management for use in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Module 3: Inbound Operations
This module reviews the procedures for item receipt by using the Item arrival journal, and also registration by using the Inventory button in the purchase order line. Module 4: Outbound Operations
This module explains how to move items from the warehouse to the customers by using advanced functionality of picking and shipping. Module 5: RFID in Warehouse Management
This module explains how RFID can be used in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to process transactions in warehouse management. Module 6: Quarantine Management with Pallets This module explains how Quarantine management works ...
Подробнее о программе
Module 1: Overview
This module explains describes the basic warehouse management features that are available in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. In addition, terminology and concepts of warehouse management are discussed. Module 2: Setting Up Warehouse Management
This module explains how to set up warehouse management for use in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. Module 3: Inbound Operations
This module reviews the procedures for item receipt by using the Item arrival journal, and also registration by using the Inventory button in the purchase order line. Module 4: Outbound Operations
This module explains how to move items from the warehouse to the customers by using advanced functionality of picking and shipping. Module 5: RFID in Warehouse Management
This module explains how RFID can be used in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 to process transactions in warehouse management. Module 6: Quarantine Management with Pallets This module explains how Quarantine management works together with Warehouse management and pallet functionality. Module 7: Inhouse Warehouse Operations
This module reviews the daily operations known as inhouse warehouse operations. It covers inventory movement and reporting.
After completing this course, students will be able to:
Describe the goals and features of warehouse management by using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2.
Set up the system for warehouse management.
Use the item arrival process to process inventory receipts.
Create and process pallet transports.
Use output orders, consolidated picking, and picking routes to process sales order picking.
Create outbound rules, and deliver picked items.
Create and process shipments by using the Create Shipment wizard, shipment staging, and shipment templates.
Create shipment reservation combinations and sequences.
Create refill pallet transports.
Describe and use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for inbound and outbound processing.
Set up and process quarantine orders.
Set up and use quality orders, inventory blocking, and non conformances.
Review the reports and inquiries that are available for warehouse management.
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Р В РІР‚в„ўР РЋРІР‚в„– РЎРѓР ТвЂВВВелалРцеще РѕРТвЂВВВР В Р’В Р РЋРІР‚ВВВР Р… шаг Р Р…Р В° РїСѓС‚РцРє вашей карьере.
ЖелаеРѠРІР°РѠуспешной карьеры!