1. Small-talk and business etiquette.
2. WHY do people make small talk?
3. Oral communication
The basics of Effective Oral Communication
Essentials of Oral Communication
Listening Skills
Practice: Role-plays Making a strong start Guiding the conversation Making strong conclusion Meeting Negotiating
4. The choice of topic for small talk.
How have you been?
How do you do?
Introductory words in the English language
5. "Safe" topics:
Current events
Sports news
Entertainment news
Compliments on clothing or hair
6. Subjects that are not considered acceptable:
Personal information
Recent divorce
Person’s body
7. How to Improve Small Talk Skills.
Practice: Training: Making Small Talk. List of common small talk subjects
Small talk is important because it helps to break the ice. Learn to engage in small talk at job interviews, sales meetings, or other business meetings and encounters. If it doesn't come naturally to you, take a few minutes beforehand to think of a few topics. You can always talk about the weather. You can ask about a friend, colleague or acquaintance you both know. You can ask someone how long they have lived in the area. Just find something to talk about other than business. The course is a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It is designed for studying the main concepts and theories in business communication as well as for developing business communication skills needed in the global market.
Уровень подготовки - intermediate / upper intermediate
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