Антитеррористическая защита объектов: противодействие ...Дистанционно
руб. 283,000.00
за 192 ак. часа 40 дней
The course is a highly intensive programme, focusing on all of the main skills that are required in the IELTS exam, including:
As part of the course, you will do regular examination practice to get you used to working under examination conditions. You will also concentrate on developing good examination techniques.
Throughout the course, you will be set homework exercises, with particular emphasis on reading and writing. You will receive feedback, correction and advice.
A full online practice IELTS exam is included in the course. Some of this will be used on the course, but it can also be used by course participants in their own time to prepare for the exam.
(Обед включен в стоимость)
Минимальный возраст обучающихся: 18 лет
Даты ...
Даты экзаменов:
Лондон, 15 Holland Park Gardens, W14 8DZ, London, United Kingdom
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