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руб. 766,160.00
за 1 год
Overview The EU Executive MBA is designed for energetic executives who seek a versatile and challenging MBA experience to enhance their global competitiveness. Applicants should possess a Bachelor's degree and a minimum of 5 years managerial experience. Benefits Enhancing understanding of the fundamentals of business theory and practice are central to any MBA. However, the Executive MBA program goes further as it is carefully structured to equip graduates with the tools to reach the next level of management, refining vital team-working skills and nurturing confidence in the leaders and decision-makers of the future. Structure and Duration The Executive MBA curricula are identical to those offered in the fulltime MBA program. Classes take place every Saturday, 9.00am to 7.00pm and participants follow 3 courses per term/10 weeks. The program consists of 5 terms and lasts for 15 months. Start Dates Applications are considered for programs ...
Overview The EU Executive MBA is designed for energetic executives who seek a versatile and challenging MBA experience to enhance their global competitiveness. Applicants should possess a Bachelor's degree and a minimum of 5 years managerial experience. Benefits Enhancing understanding of the fundamentals of business theory and practice are central to any MBA. However, the Executive MBA program goes further as it is carefully structured to equip graduates with the tools to reach the next level of management, refining vital team-working skills and nurturing confidence in the leaders and decision-makers of the future. Structure and Duration The Executive MBA curricula are identical to those offered in the fulltime MBA program. Classes take place every Saturday, 9.00am to 7.00pm and participants follow 3 courses per term/10 weeks. The program consists of 5 terms and lasts for 15 months. Start Dates Applications are considered for programs starting in October, December, March, May and July.
Предназначена для профессионалов, которые хотят дальнейшее совершенствование в искусстве управления.
<b -webkit-text-size-adjust:="" ""="" -webkit-text-stroke-width:="" 5="" b="" background-color:="" color:="" executive="" font-size:="" font-style:="" font-variant:="" helvetica="" letter-spacing:="" line-height:="" lucida="" mba="" orphans:="" style="" text-align:"="" text-indent:="" text-transform:="" white-space:="" widows:="" word-spacing:="">Преимущества</b></p> <p> Расширение понимания основ теории и практики бизнеса являются центральным звеном любой MBA. Однако Исполнительный программы MBA идет дальше, как это тщательно структурированые для оснащения выпускников инструменты, чтобы достигнуть следующего уровня управления, переработки жизненного опыта в команде, навыки работы и воспитания уверенности в себе и лидерства и навыки принятия решения в будущем. </p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p>
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