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Предлагаем студентам, владеющим английским языком, пройти краткосрочный учебный курс в Риме по направлению «Геополитика».
Описание программы
This course addresses Mediterranean Security and will focus mainly on regional geopolitics of Southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA); and transnational security issues (for instance, national and homeland security, terrorism, food security, human security, environmental security, cyber security, etc.). This program will involve both the theory and practice of international affairs with insights from seminars and site visits with scholars, government officials, security specialists and subject matter experts. Attention will be focused on the emerging security issues resulting from the Arab Spring and current events in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Sudan, and Mali, etc.
PROGRAM PROPOSAL (from 9:00am - 1:00pm and from 2:30pm - 4:30pm)
Introduction and presentation of the program (10 min. – Marconi Un.)
Outlines of geopolitics and security in the enlarged Mediterranean (from Gibraltar to the Gulf and from the Balkans/Black Sea to the Horn ...
Подробнее о программе
This course addresses Mediterranean Security and will focus mainly on regional geopolitics of Southern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa (MENA); and transnational security issues (for instance, national and homeland security, terrorism, food security, human security, environmental security, cyber security, etc.). This program will involve both the theory and practice of international affairs with insights from seminars and site visits with scholars, government officials, security specialists and subject matter experts. Attention will be focused on the emerging security issues resulting from the Arab Spring and current events in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Syria, Sudan, and Mali, etc.
PROGRAM PROPOSAL (from 9:00am - 1:00pm and from 2:30pm - 4:30pm)
Introduction and presentation of the program (10 min. – Marconi Un.)
Outlines of geopolitics and security in the enlarged Mediterranean (from Gibraltar to the Gulf and from the Balkans/Black Sea to the Horn of Africa), during and after the Cold War – Mare Nostrum versus Mare Clausum. Different views of Mediterranean: Geopolitical region; Barrier North-South; line of communication; Maghreb, Mashrak, Levant and “Great Middle East” Lecturer Jean (Marconi University- CSGE)
Europe and Mediterranean Region: Pan-Mediterranean and Sub-regional initiatives; Barcelona Process, Unity for the Mediterranean, EU Neighboring Policy, “5+5 Group” – Demands and offer of integration North-South Lecturer amb. Nelli Feroci (former IT representative to the EU and IAI president)
NATO and the Mediterranean: interests of NATO; convergences and divergencies between the EU and USA; the competition between US and USSR in the Med; the NATO-Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperative Initiative Lecturer Ambassador Minuto Rizzo (former NATO Deputy Secretary General – Vice President Finmeccanica)
Italy and the Mediterranean: historical profile; political, cultural and economic interests; relations North-South and South-South; economic interests; present realities and perspectives Lecturer De Michelis (former minister of foreign affairs, president IPALMO)
US, France, UK and Spanish postures in the Mediterranean: interests, policies, engagements and forcesLecturer Adm. Di Paola (Former Italian Defense Minister , Chief of General Staff and President of NATO Military Committee)
Turkey and the enlarged Mediterranean region: evolving position of Turkey; the Erdogan/Davutoglu doctrine; Turkey between Europe and the Middle East; Turkey as a player or as a model for the Arab world Lecturer Tocci(Senior Researcher IAI)
The Arab Awakening: origins, development, impacts on European security; politics and religion; perspectives of the Maghreb; links with Sahel; impacts on the geopolitics and the security of North Africa and Europe Lecturer Aliboni(IAI Senior Consultant)
Egypt: pan-Arabism versus pan-islamism ; the Arab League; revolt and counter revolution; Salafites and Muslim Brothers; Saudi and Turkish influences; perspectives Lecturer amb Badini (former Italian ambassador in Cairo)
The Adriatic Sea and the Balkans NATO and European policies; the Western Balkans; Kosovo situation; the policies of integration in the EU Lecturer Quercia. (Balkans Chair in the Military Centre of Strategic Studies)
The Syrian conflicts: origin, development, perspectives, US-Russia initiative for chemical weapons; perspectives of Geneva 2; the Syrian conflict as a proxy war (Sunni against Shia; radical against moderate Islam; Iran against Saudi Arabia; Turkey against Egypt, etc.) Lecturer Ansalone (Former Consultant for foreign affairs to the Italian Presidency of Republic);
The geopolitical situation in Iran, the nuclear proliferation problems and perspectives for a permanent solution; the constitutional structures of Iran; the Iranian influence on the Shiite world; the political and economic role of the clergy and of the Pasdaran; the vulnerability of the Strait of Hormuz choke point Lecturer amb. Toscano(former Italian Ambassador in Iran);
The stability of the Arabian Peninsula: Iraq; the Kurdistan and its relations with Turkey; the stability/instability in the Gulf dynasties; the GCC; Saudi Arabia and its influence in the enlarged Mediterranean; the Sunni against the Shia competition and the situation of Shia minorities in the Arabian peninsula Lecturer Pedde (University of Roma 3 and Institute of Global Studies)
New security challenges and risks in the Mediterranean region: terrorism, organized criminality, immigration, infrastate and interstate conflicts; links with the neighboring regions Lecturer Gen. Jean
The economy of the Mediterranean region: impact of Southern Europe crises; external actors (China, Turkey, Gulf Countries, etc.); perspective of the economy in the “Great Middle East and North Africa; Europe, USA and other actors in the region Lecturer amb. Melani (Former IT Ambassador to Baghdad and Director General “System-Italy” in the MFA)
Energy and the Mediterranean: Turkey as a energy hub; the North Africa energy supplies; the Levantine Basin new area of competition; shale gas and non-conventional oil in the USA policies in the Middle East; the geopolitics of pipelines Lecturer : Riggio (International Affairs ENI)
Demography in the Mediterranean; “White and subsaharian Africa; the impacts of immigration on the stability and identity of States; the differences between the various European States. Lecturer Golini (ISTAT and LUISS University)
Geo-Economic Impact of Energy, Water and Population Dislocations. Lecturer Marco Rimanelli, Ph.D. (Fulbright Chair on U.S.-E.U.-NATO)
Idrogeopolitics and food security: the tectonic waters in the Middle Eastand Sahara; the Ataturk’s dam and the Ethiopian project for the Blue Nile; the “Great manmade Rivers in Lybia; the water in the peace process between Israeli and the Palestinians; the food security in the North Africa and Middle East; the critical situation of EgyptLecturer Dottori (LUISS University - editor NOMOS&Khaos)
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Situation and perspectives of the peace process; European and American policies; the Israel’s security situation and perspectives Lecturer Caracciolo (Limes)
U.S. Embassy in Rome
Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
NATO Defense College
Ministero degli Affari Esteri or Ministero della Difesa
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Р В РІР‚в„ўР РЋРІР‚в„– РЎРѓР ТвЂВелалРцеще РѕРТвЂВР В Р’В Р РЋРІР‚ВР Р… шаг Р Р…Р В° РїСѓС‚РцРє вашей карьере.
Р В РЎСљР В Р’В° указанный Р°РТвЂВрес РІР°РѠотправлено Р С—Р СвЂВРЎРѓРЎРЉР СВВР С•. Проверьте почтовый СЏС‰РСвЂВР С” РцРїРѕСЃРСВВотрРСвЂВте РїРѕРТвЂВобранные Р В Р’В Р СћРІР‚Вля вас РїСЂРѕРіСЂР°РСВВР В Р’В Р РЋР’ВР РЋРІР‚в„– обученРСвЂВР РЋР РЏ.
ЖелаеРѠРІР°РѠуспешной карьеры!