Modules 1 to 4
The EMBA program begins with a deep immersion in business fundamentals, management functions and strategy. Designed to help you make sound business decisions based on equally sound analysis and judgment, you will learn to identify key drivers and integrate them into a larger vision for your company and industry.
Your Individual Leadership and Development Itinerary begins from day one. You will join other experienced and motivated mid-career professionals working at leading global organizations from over 20 countries. International team-building and virtual teamwork are fostered right away.
Course highlights:
Business Fundamentals: Economic Thinking, Data Analysis and Forecasting, Organizational Behavior
Management Functions: Performance Management, Financial Management and Corporate Finance, Operations, Marketing Management, Managerial Analysis and Decision Making
Leading through Strategy: Business Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Strategic Practice through Business Simulation
Modules 5 to 7
The second EMBA phase prepares you to make a difference by developing your strategic leadership capabilities. The ESMT EMBA will challenge you to shift your focus from the short term to the long term – from the fundamental business toolbox to a broader understanding of your company’s sustainability and impact on society. ESMT EMBA participants find the program’s strong international focus to be as relevant as it is rewarding. You’ll return to your company with a much clearer vision for successfully leading international teams.
You will have the opportunity to sharpen your edge in one of the program’s focus areas: innovation and technology management, international management or business integrity. Committed to the idea that business can do well by doing good, the ESMT EMBA is designed so that students gain knowledge to develop, deploy, and manage technology in the pursuit of sustainability.
Course highlights (core):
Innovation and technology: Innovation and New Product Development, Organizing for Innovation, Strategic Leadership: Innovation and Execution
Lead for strategic resilience: Sustainable Business, Entrepreneurship, Managing and Developing People, Business at the Base of the Pyramid
Some past electives include:
International Financial Markets
Managing International Teams
Bringing Technology to Market
Marketing of Global Brands
IT for Leaders
Transformation of the Energy Sector
Anti-fraud Management and Compliance
Modules 8 and 9
Global in focus, your ESMT EMBA will also expose you to leadership challenges in diverse countries and cultures. The International Field Seminar will challenge you and your fellow participants to experience leading international projects inside the offices of global companies on other continents. Recent seminars took EMBA classes to China, Brazil, Vietnam, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Argentina.
Traveling with the EMBA group allows you to become immersed in a cross-cultural dialogue and appreciate different perspectives in a variety of industries. You receive opportunities for first-hand experience and a range of insights into what it takes to lead in international business situations, while benefiting from insights gained through interpretation from ESMT faculty.
Integrated project from Module 5 to Module 9
During the final part of your EMBA journey, you will apply your newly gained skills and insights to help solve your organization’s ongoing challenges in a project that builds on ESMT’s unique approach to bridging the academic and the applied.
In consultation with their companies and with ESMT faculty, EMBA participants develop a project that addresses a business or management issue of broader relevance. The project draws on empirical field work and academic theories to develop real and immediate value to their organization as a direct result of the EMBA even before graduation. Students present their projects to faculty and sponsors at their company, and submit a final report based on the project to ESMT.
EMBA students can use this opportunity to forge new networks in their organization, display their new skills to internal stakeholders, initiate change within their organization, and gain personal visibility at broader and higher levels.
Module 1 October 9 - 14, 2017
Module 2 December 4 - 9, 2017
Module 3 February 12 - 17, 2018
Module 4 April 30 - May 5, 2018
Module 5 June 11 - 15, 2018 To be confirmed!
Module 6 September 10 - 22, 2018
Module 7 November 26 - December 1, 2018
Module 8 February 25 - March 8, 2019 (International Field Seminar)
Module 9 April 10 - 13, 2019 (Graduation)
Curriculum and format
Intense general management program focusing on responsible leadership and business innovation through technology
Modular format: 9 modules (7 x 1 week, 2 x 2 weeks, beginning Mondays)
Time out of office accounts for 54 workdays across 3 calendar years
Key program elements: business and management fundamentals, consolidation in one of the program’s focus areas: international management or technology and innovation management, international field seminar targeting emerging market destinations, executive leadership skills development
Admission Criteria
Completed online application
Good academic record (with a minimum of a Bachelor's Degree or equivalent)
At least 5 years of relevant professional experience, thereof at least 3 years of managerial responsibility
Letters of recommendation
TOEFL or equivalent (where applicable)
successful interview at ESMT
EMBA включает очные сессии и дистанционное образование. Программа также включает один международный практический семинар.
Абитуриенты программы должны представить
диплом о высшем или профессиональном образовании
результаты теста GMAT
иметь несколько лет опыта работы в области управления.
Окончательное решение о зачислении принимается по результатам собеседования.