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Executives, senior professionals and managers, directors, business owners, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, non-business executives from medical, healthcare and NGO fields, etc.
Даты проведения
30.09.2013 - 30.09.2013 Уточните расписание у организатора. Возможно он не успел обновить расписание.
Вид мероприятия
Анонс программы
Наша выставка Executive MBA является идеальным местом для опытных профессионалов, с шестилетним или более опытом работы, и заинтересованных в вечерних занятий. QS World Executive MBA Tour - Moscow - идеальное место для встречи с представителями топ-менеджеров программ MBA со всего миру лицом к лицу.
Описание программы
15:30 - 21:00
Our fairs are ideal if you:
Have 6+ years of work experience
Want to continue working while you pursue your MBA in a flexible format
Wish to invest in your education to accelerate your career
Are looking at enhanced responsibilities or a leadership role in the near future
Are keen to be part of a world-class international network
Why attend?
Do your ‘early shopping’ and maximize your time by meeting several business schools during the course of one event.
Face-to-face meetings are the ideal way to gather your first impressions and narrow your selection to create your program shortlist.
Build an opinion not just based on websites and rankings.
Assess the strength of your EMBA application with business school admissions teams
Find out about EMBA scholarship opportunities
At the Fair:
Pre-fair panel discussion on Choosing between Full-time and Executive MBA programs and business school presentations and panel debates throughout.
Dedicated section for Executive MBA programs for you to discuss your career plans in a relaxed environment
Get your EMBA goodie bag with valuable publications (limited numbers available):
QS TopExecutive Guide (for the first 100 attendees)
QS TopExecutive Passport (for the first 50 attendees) an A-Z interactive EMBA admissions workbook to help you successfully find, apply to and begin your EMBA program
Upon registration:
We will send you a link to our special QS World Executive MBA Tour Bootcamp to help you prepare to meet Admissions teams face-to-face at the fair.
You will be registered to receive our monthly QS TopExecutive Online Newsletter, a collection of the top trends, tools and tips for EMBA candidates.