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руб. 750,000.00
за 48 месяцев
Developing leadership and personal impact skills are key features of the programme as students not only learn theories of leadership but also how to enhance their own practice. Additionally students acquire the tools to generate creative local and global strategies, evaluate them rigorously, and implement them effectively.
The design of the MBA programme follows that of a ‘developmental’ model for the student. Throughout the first four modules, this ‘developmental’ model will enable students to develop an enhanced sense of themselves as a manager and as a leader, a deeper awareness of the cross-functional nature of organisations, and an appreciation for the dependencies on and interactions between their organisation and the global business environment. By the fifth module, students apply their learning to the problems and opportunities of leading and managing through disruptive change, of strategically aligning organisations for the future, and of ...
The design of the MBA programme follows that of a ‘developmental’ model for the student. Throughout the first four modules, this ‘developmental’ model will enable students to develop an enhanced sense of themselves as a manager and as a leader, a deeper awareness of the cross-functional nature of organisations, and an appreciation for the dependencies on and interactions between their organisation and the global business environment. By the fifth module, students apply their learning to the problems and opportunities of leading and managing through disruptive change, of strategically aligning organisations for the future, and of appreciating and managing an organisation’s “triple bottom line”.
To further enhance the contemporary nature of this MBA and in keeping with the latest technology, eBooks (or printed texts when eBooks are unavailable) will be offered to all students, for all modules, included as part of the programme’s tuition fees. The University of Liverpool and Laureate Online Education believe that the more accessible the programme is – being able to download the latest version of books onto a compatible device, being able to carry your ‘virtual’ books with you anywhere in the world, having books available in time for modules – the richer the learning experience will be for students managing in a world where having knowledge at your fingertips is key.
Students are required to follow two, non-credit bearing, modules (Students Readiness Orientation and Foundations for Academic Success) that will prepare them for their online learning experience. For more information about these modules – full module descriptions including their duration, as well as the additional student support services available – please read the Centre for Student Success document.
The MBA programme then comprises eight modules - five core modules, two specialisation and one elective, - culminating in a dissertation or consultancy project. Students are recommended to select their final elective module from the remaining specialisation modules. The first module is nine weeks in length and each subsequent module is eight weeks. Modules are sequenced in an order that is best suited to the students’ development in the programme.
Preparatory Modules
Core Modules
Specialisation Modules
Elective Modules
Dissertation Students selecting the “dissertation” path will identify an appropriate research topic; critically select and apply appropriate research methodology and data collection methods to their chosen research topic; and demonstrate a rigorous understanding of the theory and literature relevant to the issues under investigation. The dissertation will be 15,000 – 20,000 words.
Consultancy Project Students will work on a specific project for an organisation. The organisation selected will function as the “client” and is normally an employer or another organisation with which the student is familiar. The aim of this path is to enable students to undertake a self managed process of systematic practitioner inquiry within the management domain. The output will be a 15,000 – 20,000 word report in two sections:
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