Антитеррористическая защита объектов: противодействие ...Дистанционно
руб. 300.00
за 1 ак. час
Elementary, A2 1. An international industry 2. Upstream 3. Downstream 4. Safety first 5. Finding oil and gas 6. Drilling 7. Pipes and pipelines 8. Working offshore 9. Natural gas 10. Oil and the environment 11. Workshop operations 12. Repairs and maintenance 13. The refinery 14. Emergencies 15. Petrochemicals
Pre-Intermediate, B1 1. Oil and gas today 2. Discovery 3. Hydrocarbons 4. Exploration 5. Drilling 6. Environmental protection 7. Engineering and construction 8. Production 9. Transportation and storage 10. Refinery processes 11. Downstream distribution 12. Project management 13. Safety and risk management 14. Industry future 15. Careers in oil and gas
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