SESSION 1: Basic principles and introductory discussion points
· What is the difference between an address, a briefing and a presentation?
· Working with and occasionally against audience expectations
· How can you hold your audience?
· How much will your audience remember?
· How can you package what you are saying in memorable parcels? (rule of 3)
· How do you support what you are saying?
· What is the role of Power Point, if any?
· When do you want to take questions?
SESSION 2: The language of presentations + structuring an argument (grammar)
1) Presenting suggestions in negative question form.
2) Using ‘not very’ to sound more polite.
3) Using ‘would’ to soften and make more tentative.
SESSION 3: The language of presentations + presenting an argument
· Procedure
· Developing
· Glossing
SESSION 4: Rehearsing and presenting